Meet Molly
Hi, I’m Molly Johnson from The Autism Consultant!
The way I founded The Autism Consultant was sort of an accident. I didn’t just decide to become an autism consultant one day and start a business.
I was teaching as an autism teacher at the time and found that when I went home from work in the evenings, I was still working. The work I was doing in the evenings was helping the parents of my students with skills and behaviors that they wanted to make progress on at home. I would receive texts and emails from parents in the evenings and on weekends asking for help and guidance with different skills and behaviors. Parents wanted to know how to get the same progress at home that their child was making at school.
As it became the norm to receive texts and emails from students’ parents asking for help and advice, I remember thinking…"If this mom is asking this question, I bet there are other moms out there wondering the same thing."
In 2020, I took that thought and did something about it. I had a crazy idea to start a podcast, The Autism Consultant podcast, a free resource for parents where I would release a new episode every week addressing a different topic or question. As a huge surprise to me, the podcast took off.
Not long after starting the podcast, I started my virtual consulting services supporting parents from all over the world. I was able to reach parents and children in a way that I never thought possible. I was helping parents potty train, move past challenging behaviors, increase independence, and more all from working together online.
One reason why my students excelled at overcoming challenges when I was an autism teacher was because I made parent collaboration a priority. This is why I still make parent collaboration a priority inside The Autism Consultant Membership. I have seen the direct results that come from collaboration and it will always be the focus of my membership.
When you join my parent membership, I instantly become a member of your support team. I want parents taking advantage of the ability to ask questions at any time inside our community. I want parents reaching out for support. I want parents to know that they aren’t in this alone.
There is so much we can accomplish when we become a team!
Molly holds a bachelor’s degree in special education, a master’s degree in educational administration, and a master's degree in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
What’s it like working with Molly?
Here are a few testimonials from parents who have worked with Molly:
“I am so grateful we found Molly. Prior to discovering her and her services, I had gone through several books and websites that either were either broadly focused and without any practical advice, or not tailored to meet our son where he is at. When we found Molly, it felt like the missing piece to our care team. She is so compassionate and kind, and passionate about helping kids on the spectrum as well as their families. Her extensive knowledge and personalized help, including providing visuals specifically for our son’s needs, has both significantly decreased stress and also given me so much free time back.I wholeheartedly recommend Molly Johnson to any parent with a child on the spectrum. “
-Megan G.
"Working with you has been truly wonderful. I was the mom that Googled everything, and found the most difficult and confusing strategies. When I found you on Instagram, I was working so hard at several things as you know. Some things were coming along nicely with my son, but other things were very frustrating. You really cleared a path for me to teach my son some very simple and basic life skills. It was very overwhelming to get my son’s diagnosis, and I was so lost with all the information in the big binder they handed me at the clinic. You basically broke it down into small baby steps for me, and WOW has our life gotten calmer. We have much more to work on, but you helped me to realize that we will get up the mountain one step at a time. We are so thankful that you created this resource."
-Amanda B.